What we can learn from Sun?

What does Sun teaches us.

To Shine Bright, be Determined, Shine more then anybody else, be the only one in this World, be Aggressive, nobody should Dare to touch you.

No Not at all.

Do Sun ever says that I will give my light only to Rich people or I will give my light only to Poor people.

Do he ever says that I will only Shine for a White and not for a Black person.

Do he ever says that I will only give my Energy to Slim people or Fat people.

Do he ever says that no Women should come in my light and if she comes I will burn her down.

That Sun which is Trillions and Trillions times Greater then us never ever Discriminates between us

then who are we, who are we to judge or tell that who is superior and who is just a waste.

Who are we to just Discriminate between Black and White, Rich and Poor, Fat and Slim, Male and Female.

Who are we to say that Father is always Greater then are Mother.

We are just a body full of Ego and Useless thoughts. We are just a tiny matter in this world.

So Stop this Discrimination and this World will become fit for every Human Being.

Nobody will let down themselves and will be Happy as they are.

What Does the Sun Teach Us?

The Sun, in all its glory, teaches us some very important lessons about life. Every day, the Sun rises and shines brightly in the sky. It gives its light and energy freely to the world, without asking for anything in return. It doesn't pick and choose whom to shine upon or where to direct its light. It simply shines for everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. This is one of the greatest lessons we can learn from the Sun.

We often think about how we should live our lives, and how we should treat others. Some people believe that to make a difference in the world, we need to be powerful, shining brighter than anyone else, and being better than everyone around us. But if we really think about it, does the Sun teach us to compete with others or to act aggressively? Does the Sun say, “I will shine only for certain people”? No. It does not. The Sun doesn't discriminate. It shines for everyone equally, without judgment. And that’s the lesson we should take from it.

The Sun's Teachings on Equality

The Sun doesn’t care about how rich or poor someone is. It doesn’t say, “I will give my light only to the rich” or “I will shine brighter for those with wealth.” Instead, it shines equally on all, whether they are living in a mansion or a small house, whether they are rich or poor. The Sun’s light and energy don’t discriminate based on wealth, social status, or any other measure of worth.

Similarly, the Sun does not choose to shine only on one race or ethnicity. It doesn’t say, “I will shine for white people, but not for black people.” It doesn't matter whether a person has dark skin, light skin, or any other color of skin. The Sun’s light is for everyone, equally, with no regard to their race, ethnicity, or background.

Think about this for a moment. If the Sun, which is trillions of times bigger and more powerful than we could ever imagine, can shine without any form of discrimination, then why do we, as human beings, judge each other based on skin color, nationality, or other superficial differences? Who are we to decide who should be treated better than others?

The Sun also does not care about a person’s size or shape. It doesn’t say, “I will shine brighter for slim people but not for fat people.” Whether someone is tall, short, slim, or fat, the Sun shines on them equally. This teaches us that physical appearance should not matter when it comes to treating people with respect and kindness. Every person deserves love, care, and respect, regardless of their body type or shape.

The Sun’s Teachings on Gender Equality

The Sun does not discriminate between men and women. It doesn’t say, “I will shine for men, but not for women,” nor does it say, “If a woman comes into my light, I will burn her down.” The Sun gives its light freely to everyone, regardless of gender. In a world where gender inequality still exists, this is a powerful reminder that all human beings, whether male or female, are equal and deserve the same opportunities and respect. The Sun treats all people equally, and we should follow its example.

In our society, we often hear people say things like, “A father is always greater than a mother” or “Men are superior to women.” But this thinking is wrong. Just as the Sun does not see any difference between men and women when it shines, we too should stop measuring worth based on gender. Both men and women are equally valuable, and both play important roles in society.

The Importance of Humility

One of the greatest lessons the Sun teaches us is humility. The Sun never brags about its power or greatness. It simply does its job every day, without asking for recognition or praise. The Sun doesn’t care if anyone notices its light, and it never asks for thanks. It shines because it knows it’s its purpose to give light and warmth to the world.

In the same way, we should live our lives with humility. We don’t need to boast about what we do or seek recognition. Our actions should be driven by the desire to help others, not for the sake of praise or rewards. Just like the Sun, our value lies in our actions, not in how much attention we receive for them.

Who Are We to Judge?

If the Sun, in all its vastness, never discriminates, then who are we to judge others based on their appearance, race, gender, or background? We are small, temporary beings in this vast world, and yet, we often let our egos lead us into thinking we are better than others. We create boundaries and divisions that do not exist in nature. We discriminate, we judge, and we act superior, when in reality, none of us are truly better than the other.

We are just bodies full of ego and useless thoughts. Our lives are short, and our time here is limited. So, why waste it judging others? Why spend our time deciding who is superior and who is not? The truth is, we are all the same. We are all human beings, each with our own strengths, weaknesses, and potential. There is no place for discrimination in this world.

Breaking Down Barriers

It is time for us to stop the discrimination that divides us. Whether it’s based on race, wealth, body type, gender, or any other difference, we need to learn from the Sun. We need to shine equally on everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from.

When we stop discriminating, we will create a world where people are happy to be who they are. People will no longer feel the need to hide or change themselves to fit into some societal standard. Instead, they will feel free to embrace their true selves, knowing that they are loved and accepted just as they are.

This is the kind of world we should strive for: a world where everyone is treated with respect, kindness, and equality. If we follow the Sun’s example and stop judging others, we will create a world that is peaceful, accepting, and full of love.

At the End

The Sun teaches us some of the most important lessons in life. It shows us that there is no place for discrimination in this world. It shines on everyone equally, without regard to race, gender, body type, or wealth. The Sun does not judge; it simply gives light to all.

If the Sun, which is trillions of times greater than us, can treat everyone equally, then who are we to make judgments? We must stop the discrimination and recognize that every person, regardless of their background, has value. We are all connected, and when we stop judging others, we will create a world where everyone is free to be themselves, without fear of rejection or discrimination.

Let’s learn from the Sun and embrace the beauty of equality, kindness, and respect for all.

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